GC RW  Pyrampepe Calpernia

15° Best Cat in Region 9 Season 2019/2020

One Show Grand


Esotica Bianca




GC RW  Pyrampepe Caterina

17° Best Cat in Region 9 Season 2019/2020


Persiana Silver Tabby Mackerel





GC RW  Pyrampepe Bibiana

3° Best Kitten in Region 9 Season 2017/2018

20° Best Cat in Region 9 Season 2018/2019

2 show grand


 Esotica Blucrema Tabby Mackerel





CH  Pyrampepe Calispera



Persiana Black Tortie






Pyrampepe Double Cochi

Esotica Calico







GC RW Pyrampepe Chimpanzee

17° Best Kitten in Region 9 and two shows grand  Season 2014/2015


Esotica Brown Tortie Tabby Spotted






Pyrampepe Allegra


Esotica Silver Tortie Tabby Spotted






Pyrampepe Coccinelle


Esotica Calico





Skygirl Stellmarie of Pyrampepe
Esotica Brown Tabby Mackerel


pedigree available soon
Skygirl Petronilla of Pyrampepe
Esotica Bianca
foto presto disponibili

Pyrampepe Kalanchoe
Esotica Tortie Tabby Spotted con Bianco
foto presto disponibili
pedigree presto disponibile